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Leadville, Colorado 80461


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Peleg Mark Wadsworth

Account Search Help

Searches can be performed by entering one or more pieces of information about an account. Each section with a blue label can be searched independently. At most, the search will return 1,000 results. To narrow the results, enter more information into additional fields to make the search more focused. It is possible to search using both the basic search tab and the advanced search tab. Once finished, click the Clear Search button before starting a new search.

Basic Search Tab

Account Number: Enter the Account Number if it is known; i.e. "R0013500". If searching for a Residential account the account number can be entered without the leading R. Other abbreviations include M for Mobile and U for State Assessed.

Parcel Number: Enter the complete 12 digit Parcel Number with no dashes (-); i.e. "399305211076".

Owner's Name: Enter the Owner's Name (last name, first name) in this field. If the owner's name is Harvey Smith enter it as "Smith Harvey". If only the person's last or first name is known, enter the part of their name that is known. With Owner Name you have the option of a Normal Search or an Advanced Search. These options are explained at the end of the document.

Business Name: Enter a Business Name in this field; i.e. "Home Depot". With Business Name you have the option of Normal Search or Advanced Search.

Situs Address: Enter the physical address of the property here; i.e. "16365 E 19th St." Also, it is possible to enter just "16365" if the street name is unknown. Or enter just the street name if the address does not matter for the search.

City / Zip Code: If a city or zip code is not entered when searching with the Situs Address the search will return results for all cities containing that address. Refine the search by entering the city or zip code; i.e. "Leadville" or "80461".

Parcel Classification: Describes the property type. Select from the drop down list to choose from common classifications.

Actual Value: Range search by entering values into both boxes; i.e. "100,000" and "105,000" means find properties in the $100,000 to $105,000 range. By just entering "100,000" in the first box and leaving the second box blank, the system will return properties of $100,000 and more. This section is searching over the entire property value, not the specific land or improvement values.

Acres: Range search by entering values into both boxes; i.e. "1" and "1.2" means find properties in the 1 to 1.2 acre range. By just entering "1" in the first box and leaving the second box blank, the system will return properties of 1 acre and more. This section is searching over the parcel's entire acreage, not acreage based on a specific land type.

Advanced Search Tab

Legal Description: Typing the name of a Subdivision into this field will cause a selection list to appear. When using Subdivision searches, it is possible to search on just the Subdivision or focus the search by filling in any of the Lot, Block, Tract, or Unit sections. Ranges of Lots or Blocks can be specified by using a colon; i.e. Lot "12:30" would be lots 12 through 30. Multiple Lots or Blocks can be specified by using spaces; i.e. Lot "12 14 17" would be lots 12, 14, & 17. It is possible to search over multiple Subdivisions by using or selecting the * wildcard which is explained below.

Tract Legal: Enter the Township and Range fields for this section. However, if the direction of the township or range is not known it can be replaced with a * (see directions on wild card below for more information). Depending on the property the results can be focused by entering information in the additional fields; i.e. S:1 T:48 R:10 stands for Section 1, Township 48, Range 10.

Normal vs. Advanced Search:

Both search options will remove any commas that are entered when doing the search. However, be sure to include spaces between words. The system defaults to a Normal search. The Advanced search option uses Lucene to give searchers more options. If you are unfamiliar with Lucene it is recommended using the normal search option. However, each option is briefly explained below.

Normal searches will search for a name in the order entered. IMPORTANT: enter the Last Name first. For example, by entering "Franklin Benjamin", the system will return the owner(s) named Franklin Benjamin; but not Franklin Roosevelt. Another way of thinking about it is normal searches are AND searches. The system is looking for Franklin AND Benjamin; in that EXACT ORDER. It will also add a wildcard at the end of the term. Searching for "Smith" will return Smith, Smithson, Smiths, Smithers, etc. Similarly, searching for "Miller A" will return Miller Al, Miller Alice, Miller Albert, etc.

Advanced searches work more like an Internet search engine. The order of the words does not matter. For example, by entering "Franklin Benjamin", the system will return owner(s) named Benjamin Franklin, Franklin Roosevelt, and Benjamin Moore. This type of search is an OR search. The system is looking for anything with Franklin OR Benjamin in it. In order for this search to work, only the EXACT WORDS are looked at. For example, searching for depot will return all matches for depot, but not depots. To limit the amount of results use what are called operators, which are explained below.

Sale Search Help

Basic Search Tab

Parcel Number: Enter the complete 12 digit Parcel Number with no dashes (-); i.e. "399305211076".

Document Number: Enter the entire Document Number; i.e. "770255".

Sale Information: Sale Date Search: Range search by entering values into both boxes i.e. "01/01/07" to "06/30/08" means search from January 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008. Include slashes (/) between the month, day, and year. Click on the calendar icon next to the Sale Date fields to select a date that will automatically populate the fields.

Sales Price Search: Enter the Sales Price as a whole number and do not include $, decimals, or commas. Range search by entering values into both boxes; i.e. "100,000" and "105,000" means find properties sold in the $100,000 to $105,000 range. By just entering "100,000" in the first box and leaving the second box blank, the system will return properties of $100,000 and more.

Situs Address: Enter the physical address of the property here; i.e. "16365 E 19th St." Also, it is possible to enter just "16365" if the street name is unknown. Or enter just the street name if the address does not matter for the search.

Parcel Classification: Describes the property type. Select from the drop down list to choose from common classifications.

Actual Value: Range search by entering values into both boxes; i.e. "100,000" and "105,000" means find properties in the $100,000 to $105,000 range. By just entering "100,000" in the first box and leaving the second box blank, the system will return properties of $100,000 and more. This section is searching over the entire property value, not the specific land or improvement values.

Acres: Range search by entering values into both boxes; i.e. "1" and "1.2" means find properties in the 1 to 1.2 acre range. By just entering "1" in the first box and leaving the second box blank, the system will return properties of 1 acre and more. This section is searching over the parcel's entire acreage, not acreage based on a specific land type.

Advanced Search Tab

Legal Description: Typing the name of a Subdivision into this field will cause a selection list to appear. When using Subdivision searches, it is possible to search on just the Subdivision or focus the search by filling in any of the Lot, Block, Tract, or Unit sections. Ranges of Lots or Blocks can be specified by using a colon; i.e. Lot "12:30" would be lots 12 through 30. Multiple Lots or Blocks can be specified by using spaces; i.e. Lot "12 14 17" would be lots 12, 14, & 17. It is possible to search over multiple Subdivisions by using or selecting the * wildcard which is explained below.

Tract Legal: Enter the Township and Range fields for this section. However, if the direction of the township or range is not known it can be replaced with a * (see directions on wild card below for more information). Depending on the property the results can be focused by entering information in the additional fields; i.e. S:1 T:48 R:10 stands for Section 1, Township 48, Range 10.

Wildcard Search Operators:

The * operator is a wild card character. It can be used in both Normal and Advanced searches. It can be substituted for any other character or characters. For example, by entering: "Frank* Ben*", the system will return accounts belonging to Benjamin Franklin and Bennie Frankenstein. This option is useful if the exact spelling is unknown.

All of the below search operators can only be used in Advanced searches.

The + operator tells the system that this word must appear in the document. For example, if you enter "Franklin +Benjamin", the system will return documents belonging to Benjamin Franklin, but not Franklin Roosevelt.

The - operator tells the system that this word must NOT appear in the document. For example, if you enter "Franklin -Benjamin", the system will return documents belonging to Franklin Roosevelt, but not Benjamin Franklin.

The $ operator tells the system that this word is not spelled correctly but sounds like the typed word. For example, if you enter "Franklayn$ ", the system will return documents belonging to any name that sounds like Franklin.

The ? operator tells the system that a specific letter in the name might not be correct. For example, if you enter "Frankl?n", the system will return any documents belonging to Franklin Roosevelt, or Franklyn Roosevelt, etc. The ? can be replaced with any letter.